
We donot offer free shipping
Shipping options
We can ship by DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, and SEA shipment
Shipping Charge
Our store shows you the approximate package weight when you place order
We can offer you the package size, wieght and 100% exact shipping charge when your shipment is ready here
Shipping Time
We can ship all in-stock orders in 2-3 business days as your payment has cleared.
If your order includes market purchase,we need 4-5 working days to parpare your shipment
It normally takes around 3-5 business days for DHL to arrive at its destination
Please inform us your special packing request before our warehouse start to pack If you need low value on the shipping invoice, please inform us before shipping
For some countries,we can declare the packages as gifts or with much lower value to reduce the customer’s tariff charges and other fees